If the tigers go extinct, the entire system would collapse. For e.g. when the Dodos went extinct in Mauritius, one species of Acacia tree stopped regenerating completely. So when a species goes extinct, it leaves behind a scar, which affects the entire ecosystem. Another reason why we need to save the tiger is that our forests are water catchment areas.
"Did you know that Tigers without intervention will go extinct within our lifetime. It's so bad that your my grandchildren may never even know what one is. They will think of tigers as some mythical creature like we do unicorns. on a side note: Did unicorns ever exist? Scientist estimate wild Tigers may be gone within the next 5 years."
When we protect one tiger, we protect about a 100 sq. km of area and thus save other species living in its habitat. Therefore, it’s not just about saving a beautiful animal. It is about making sure that we live a little longer as the forests are known to provide ecological services like clean air, water, pollination, temperature regulation etc. This way, our planet can still be home to our children.
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